“Sell your home at maximum profit with our custom staging services.”

What We Do

Home staging and interior decorating services

At Help You Decorate in Turlock, California, we provide home staging and interior decorating services of the highest quality. These include renovations that can increase the potential for a faster sale and room designs that will attract and excite first-time homebuyers. To extend our virtual and in-person services to more individuals, we offer a variety of service options to fit most budgets.

We work directly with homeowners and Realtors to identify solutions that will enhance the curb appeal of the property as well as its interiors. We create design plans for each room of the home and source products for specific spaces that will remain in place as part of a semi-furnished sales incentive for new and first-time homebuyers alike. 

Décor for Every Room

At Help You Decorate, we know that re-designing a room or preparing your home for sale can present many decisions that need to be made. That is why our team is here to help you choose the perfect items for every room in your home. We select items specific to your home design needs and then have them delivered directly to your door.

Elegant Dining Rooms
Comfortable Bathrooms
Living Room
Inviting Living Room
Relaxing Bedroom

Additional Services

  • Re-Designs
    We will use the furnishings and accessories you already own and make suggestions for new purchase additions to re-imagine your rooms potential!
  • Curb Appeal
    Let us evaluate your current curb appeal and work with you to create a great first impression before they even reach the front door!
  • Holiday Home Staging
    Welcome your potential buyer “Home for the Holidays” with holiday themed decor.
  • Walk Through Ready
    Are you ready to show your home or, Realtor listing?
    We would love to assist you with making sure every room looks its best before your potential buyers arrive!
  • Let’s Go Shopping!
    Personalized accompanied shopping trips. We will plan a day and choose items together!

“We are here to help!”

How Much Time Will It Take to Sell Your Home?

The time it takes to sell a home depends on 3 things:

  1. Seller’s Reaction Time
  2. Buyer’s Appeal
  3. Market Price

The Time Taken To Act can greatly affect the time needed to create buyer appeal and lead to extended time on the market that in turn may result in a reduced sales price and potential loss of profits to the Seller.

Our goal at Help You Decorate is to generate Buyer Appeal, by showcasing the benefits received through the purchase.

We want your home to be the first and last on the new home search list for potential buyers and attract multiple buyers, in the shortest length of time. By reducing the length of time to appeal to buyers, we increase sales potential that can result in quicker sales and higher profits for the sellers.

We are here and ready to Help YOU Decorate!